Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine 2002-4 No 49-4, 2002/4 - 224 pagesPages 7 to 36Rebuilding the United StatesBy Nicolas BarreyreInternational RealpolitikPages 37 to 52The Two Fire OutbreaksBy Yves SantamariaPages 53 to 70France and the Atlantic Defense: The Hispano-American Pact of September 1953By Anne DulphyVichy PoliciesPages 71 to 90The 1940 Pacific RallyingsBy Jean-Marc Regnault, Ismet KurtovitchPages 91 to 100Jérôme Carcopino and the French State's Exclusion LawsBy Stéphanie Corcy-DebrayPages 101 to 131Corporate Speeches, Pro-Birth Propaganda, and Social Control under VichyBy Éric T. JenningsPages 132 to 153African Children of the National Revolution: The Vichy Policy on Childhood and Youth in FWA Colonies (1940 – 1943)By Ruth GinioPages 154 to 169Aryanization of Jewish Property during the Vichy Regime: Comparisons between France and GermanyBy Alya AglanReadingsPages 170 to 176The Algerian War: Eyewitness Accounts and HistoriographyBy Anne-Marie Duranton-CrabolPages 177 to 208ReviewsBy Christian Amalvi