Alain Chatriot List of articlesNo 65-3, 2018/3KIRAN KLAUS PATEL, The New Deal. A Global History, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2016, 456 p., ISBN 978-0-691-14912-7ReviewsNo 64-4/4 bis, 2016/4Peter Moser and Tony Varley (eds.), Integration through Subordination. The Politics of Agricultural Modernisation in Industrial Europe, Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 320 p., ISBN 978-2-503-54529-5; Miguel Cabo, Lourenzo Fernandez-Prieto, and Juan Pan-MoReviewsNo 56-4bis, 2009/5Social Reform in the Third RepublicIn what Way is Reform just a Slogan?