Éric Monnet List of articlesNo 68-4, 2021/4Ideologies of the frontier and property. Introduction to the special issueA global history of inequalities: Around <i>Capital and Ideology</i>, by Thomas PikettyNo 65-1, 2018/1MICHEL-PIERRE CHÉLINI, LAURENT WARLOUZET (eds.), Calmer les prix. L’inflation en Europe dans les années 1970, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2016, 471 p., ISBN 978-2-7246-1975-1ReviewsNo 63-1, 2016/1Laure Quennouëlle-Corre, La place financière de Paris au XXe siècle. Des ambitions contrariées, Paris, Comité pour l’histoire économique et financière de la France/IGPDE, 2015, 499 p., ISBN 978-2-11-129382-3ReviewsNo 62-4 bis, 2015/5Open Access: French Schizophrenia (March 2013)The Economics and Politics of “Open Access”: Journals in the Digital AgeNo 62-4 bis, 2015/5In Search of Open Access. Academic Journals and New Digital FormatsThe Economics and Politics of “Open Access”: Journals in the Digital AgeNo 62-1, 2015/1The Policy of the Banque de France in the 1970s: a Monetarist Turn?Money and Credit in France