Patrice Peveri List of articlesNo 69-2, 2022/2Between beggarry and slums, an unprecedented mutation in the representations of organized crime: the image of the gang in the History of the life and trial of Cartouche (1722)What are the police doing?No 64-1, 2017/1Globalization, Contraband and Revolution: Mandrin’s RebellionAbout: Michael Kwass, <i>Louis Mandrin. La mondialisation de la contrebande au siècle des Lumières [2014] </i>Paris, Vendémiaire, 2016, 634 p., ISBN 978-2-36358-206-5Readings: The History of ConsumptionNo 61-2, 2014/2Justine Berlière, Policer Paris au siècle des Lumières. Les commissaires du quartier du Louvre dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle (Genève: Droz/École des Chartes, 2012) 414 p., ISBN 978-2-35723-025-5